Thursday, November 11, 2010

Winterize Your Dryer Now

With winter soon upon us here in the upper Midwest,I feel its time to talk about getting your grain dryer ready for its long winter nap. I will include a few points to help ensure the longevity of your drying investment for years to come.
** Sweep, blow or wash debris off the outside of the dryer (This prevents rust}
** Blow out the control panels to prevent rusting and wire damage (Keeps moisture & mice out)
** Clean out trash and build up from inside the dryer(Keep the plenum chamber clean)
** Drop clean out doors and trash pans and leave open
** Inspect the unload system and clean if necessary
** Lubricate all necessary parts,(Easy on the Motors) spray lube all the chains
** Loosen all belts and inspect
** Replace any damaged or questionable parts or schedule for service
** Check that all safety guards and warning decals are in place (Most Companies supply these FREE of charge).
** Shut off fuel supply and burn off all gas
** Place burner covers on burners if you have vertical burners such Deluxe and Kan-Sun.
** Place fan covers on fans and secure this protects the motors and internal motor start switches.
** Disconnect the electrical power. Shut off the breakers for safety and prevention of electronic circuit damage from lighting.
** Read the dryer manual some time during the winter for service and operational tips.

The time you spend now will help ensure a longer life span and return on your investment. Now is also the time to consider any updates of equipment. New computer controlled dryers are up to 30% more efficient. than those operated on manual and temperature based drying. Protect your investment winterize now!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shortage of grain dryer parts

Winter may be fast approaching, but its been warm and sunny the last few days here in central MN. The nice weather has allowed soybean harvest to move along nicely. Corn harvest is still plagued with wet field conditions and higher than normal moisture. As many farmers scrambled earlier to harvest even wet beans, (16-18 percent moisture) the push was on to dry soybeans in drying bins and grain dryers. Lots of abandoned heaters were resurrected from sheds and the woods to add warm air to bins. Most of these heaters needed parts to make them safe and usable this fall and has led to a parts shortage. Suppliers and manufactures shelves are bare. No one predicted the wet and cool conditions over such a vast portion of the country. Manufactures are struggling to put out new drying equipment and still service their older machines with parts 3-4 week delays on parts are not unheard of. Most dryer manufacturers use electronic components that are sourced from other vendors. The majority of the electronics manufacturers use JITM ( Just In Time Manufacturing) Which means when they order it, we will build it. Now that's great from the bean counters perspective. But it sure sucks for the farmer whose dryer is broke down and the wet bin is full. Unfortunately, this translates into 6-8 weeks of lead time. As time runs short for harvest, the pressure will continue on service people and their suppliers. Any weak spot in the harvesting system will appear this year, and with wet field conditions will be magnified.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Down Turn in Minnesota weather

Well winter has come early to Minnesota with lows in the teens in southern MN it has changed the fall harvest outlook. It will test man and machine this fall. So lets get those grain dryers ready to go. With a wet harvest outlook we need to tune up the dryer to peak efficiency. First lets check out the burner itself. Make certain that the orifice or orifices is clean and not built up with gunk. A simple long drill bit or torch tip cleaner will work just fine.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Welcome to all ! I am here to help all farmers with their grain drying needs. With over 25 years in the grain drying and grain handling industry I come with a special set of skills to make your life a little easier during the harvest season. I hope to provide you with a place to get answers for you grain dryer repairs and service. I have worked on most brands Sukup, Farm Fans, Butler, Caldwell, Stormor, Airstream, GT, Tox-o-Wic, Delux, American, Jelco, Long ,Mid States, SuperB, Neco and Vertec to name a few.

In the coming days I will go over maintenance and preseason of grain dryers, drying rates, test weight and other comparisons. I will also be able to help locate some hard to find grain dryer repair parts

I am ready to field any questions you may have just drop me a line.